August 2009 - detected radio signals on few spots on my body
Time : past 8pm
Note : sudden power supply failure in whole street, neighbourhood
Place : my brother's house (inside bathroom)
I was in the toilet and I happened to have a RF detector in my hand, testing its sensitivity and other functions. Its got 3 buttons, a simplistic tool to check for radio frequency wave like WIFI, handphones,
microwave oven etc.
A power supply failure occured suddenly, while I was not finished with my business.
I tried the RF detector on spots I sighted wounds in November 2007, and to my shock, I detected radio signals.
Could it be the perpetrators after me was causing the power failure to test those implants in my body ??
Below diagram of human anatomy depicts my sightings of wounds, detection of radio signals, and unusual experience during one dental treatment.
The dentist Dr Tan Pei Ling of Tew Dental Clinic in Kembangan, Selangor fixed a crown on my uppper 1st molar in January 2009.
There was one anaestatic injection at the lower jaw (though it was 1st uppper molar), the pain was excruciating and certain unusual compared to my past experience in receving dental treatment. It last couple days before subsided.
I also had my appendix removed in March 2008, and I detected radio signals on the same occasion as I described above. The radio signals seemed to be coming from the area where the appendix was operated i.e. the incision mark.
X-ray scan attempts to search for the truth
I tried to scan for foreign objects in my body by x-ray & CT scan but revealed nothing.
I requested real-time x-ray (e.g. used in barium enigma) at Sibu General Hospital, but was not entertained
citing machine under repair, and was told by psychiatrist Dr Kevin Lau that I will be treated as mental patient should I pursue it further. I took it as a warning or sort.
Below is Member of Parliament / State Assemblymen YB Wong Ho Leng support letter to Sibu Hospital and remark was made by Radiologist Dept of Sibu Hospital.